JSON Minifier
Make JSON (Javascript Object Notation) file size smaller
JSON Minifier
What is JSON ?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a file format or structure that uses human-readable text for transmitting data or objects such as text, number, list, object( yes, javascript object), and others.
JSON object is native in Javasscript and can be seen as key - value pair. JSON is pretty common object used to send data over the internet.
Sample of JSON Formatted Text :
"name" : "doggy",
"skills" : [
{"duration":5, "name":"bark"},
{"duration":2, "name":"smile"},
{"duration":99999, "name":"loving"},
What is Minification (from Minifier) ?
Minification is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from the source codes without changing their functionality or behaviour. So, the size of your code will be reduced without changing the result of the code.
Minification can remove few things from source code such as spaces and newlines. Or even can change the structure of the code while maintaining the same result (this example is quite extreme, but possible. The process can be quite the same as in the compiler).
The drawback of minification of course the code can be harder to read, thats why minify can be called uglify.